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A function to retrieve data for geologic map point shape elements from various sources.


  point_id = NULL,
  point_type = NULL,
  min_lat = NULL,
  min_lng = NULL,
  max_lat = NULL,
  max_lng = NULL,
  source_id = NULL,
  sf = TRUE



integer. The unique identification number(s) of the point(s) to return.


character. Filter points to those of one or more point type(s). Options are "cleavage", "bedding", "axial plane", "fault plane", "foliation", and "joint". Ignored if point_id is supplied.


integer. The minimum latitude used to define the bounding box of the points to return. Requires min_lng, max_lat, and max_lng. Ignored if point_id is supplied.


integer. A minimum longitude used to define the bounding box of the points to return. Requires min_lat, max_lat, and max_lng. Ignored if point_id is supplied.


integer. A maximum latitude used to define the bounding box of the points to return. Requires min_lat, min_lng, and max_lng. Ignored if point_id is supplied.


integer. A maximum longitude used to define the bounding box of the points to return. Requires min_lat, min_lng, and max_lat. Ignored if point_id is supplied.


integer. The unique identification number(s) of the source(s) to filter the points by. Ignored if point_id is supplied.


logical. Should the results be returned as an sf object? Defaults to TRUE.


An sf object containing the following columns:

  • point_id: The identification number of the point element.

  • strike: The strike value of the point element.

  • dip: The dip value of the point element.

  • dip_dir: The dip direction of the point element.

  • point_type: The type of point element (e.g. "bedding").

  • certainty: The certainty of the point element location.

  • comments: Notes assigned to the point element.

  • source_id: The unique identification number of the source for the point element.

  • geometry: The point spatial data.

If sf is TRUE (the default), an sf object is returned, with the a "geometry" column that contains the spatial data. If sf is FALSE, a data.frame object is returned with two additional columns (lng, lat) containing the geographic coordinates of the point elements.


More information can be found relating to the inputs for this function using the definition functions (beginning with def_).


Lewis A. Jones


Bethany Allen

See also


# \donttest{
# Return a specific point
ex1 <- get_map_points(point_id = 1)
# Return all points within a user-specified bounding box
ex2 <- get_map_points(min_lng = -80, min_lat = 40,
                      max_lng = -70, max_lat = 50)
# }