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A function to retrieve data for geologic map outcrop shape elements from various sources.


  map_id = NULL,
  unit_id = NULL,
  strat_name_id = NULL,
  lat = NULL,
  lng = NULL,
  scale = NULL,
  sf = TRUE



integer. The unique identification number(s) of the map outcrop shape element(s) to return.


integer. Filter outcrop shape elements to those that match one or more Macrostrat unit(s) as specified by their unique identification number(s).


integer. Filter outcrop shape elements to those that match one or more stratigraphic name(s) as specified by their unique identification number(s).


numeric. Return the outcrop shape element(s) at the specified decimal degree latitude. Must also specify lng.


numeric. Return the outcrop shape element(s) at the specified decimal degree longitude. Must also specify lat.


character. The Macrostrat map scale to use (a vector of scales is also supported). Options are "tiny" (global), "small" (continental), "medium" (regional), or "large" (local).


logical. Should the results be returned as an sf object? Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, a data.frame is returned.


A data.frame containing the following columns:

  • map_id: The identification number of the outcrop shape element.

  • source_id: The identification number of the source geologic map.

  • name: The name of the outcrop shape element in the original (or modified) source geologic map.

  • strat_name: The geologic name(s) of the outcrop shape element.

  • lith: The lithology of the outcrop shape element as defined in the geologic map source in plain text.

  • descrip: Description of the outcrop shape element in plain text.

  • comments: Notes assigned to the outcrop shape element.

  • macro_units: A vector containing the unique identification number(s) for known Macrostrat unit(s) matched to the outcrop shape element.

  • strat_names: A vector containing the unique identification number(s) for known stratigraphic unit name(s) matched to the outcrop shape element (see def_strat_names()).

  • liths: A vector containing the unique identification number(s) of the lithology(ies) represented within the outcrop shape element (see def_lithologies()).

  • t_int_id: The identification number of the chronostratigraphic interval containing the top boundary of the outcrop shape element.

  • t_int_age: The top age of the chronostratigraphic interval containing the top boundary of the outcrop shape element.

  • t_int_name: The name of the chronostratigraphic interval containing the top boundary of the outcrop shape element.

  • b_int_id: The identification number of the chronostratigraphic interval containing the bottom boundary of the outcrop shape element.

  • b_int_age: The bottom age of the chronostratigraphic interval containing the bottom boundary of the outcrop shape element.

  • b_int_name: The name of the chronostratigraphic interval containing the bottom boundary of the outcrop shape element.

  • color: Recommended color for plotting the outcrop shape element based on the dominant lithology.

  • t_age: The estimated top age (minimum age) of the outcrop shape element, in millions of years before present.

  • b_age: The estimated bottom age (maximum age) of the outcrop shape element, in millions of years before present.

  • best_int_name: The best/most representative interval name for the outcrop shape element.

If sf is TRUE (the default), an sf object is returned instead, with the same columns plus a "geometry" column that contains the spatial data.


More information can be found for the inputs for this function using the definition functions (beginning with def_).


William Gearty


Lewis A. Jones

See also


# \donttest{
ex1 <- get_map_outcrop(lat = 43, lng = -89.3)
ex2 <- get_map_outcrop(lat = 43, lng = -89.3, scale = "tiny")
# }