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A function to retrieve legend components from various geological maps.


  source_id = NULL,
  lithology_id = NULL,
  lithology_type = NULL,
  lithology_class = NULL,
  description = NULL,
  comments = NULL,
  scale = NULL,
  carto = NULL



integer. Filter legend components to those in sources specified by their unique identification number(s).


integer. Filter legend components to those containing one or more lithology(ies) as specified by their unique identification number(s).


character. Filter legend components to those containing one or more named lithology type(s) (e.g., "carbonate", "siliciclastic").


character. Filter legend components to those containing one or more named lithology class(es) (e.g., "sedimentary", "igneous", "metamorphic").


character. Filter legend components to those containing the given character string in the map unit description field.


character. Filter legend components to those containing the given character string in the map unit comments field.


character. Filter legend components to those from maps of specific scale(s) in Macrostrat's system. Options are "tiny" (global), "small" (continental), "medium" (regional), or "large" (local).


character. Filter legend components to those of specific scale(s) in Macrostrat's system. Options are "tiny" (global), "small" (continental), "medium" (regional), or "large" (local).


A dataframe containing the following columns:

  • legend_id: The unique identification number of the map legend.

  • source_id: The identification number of the source geologic map (see def_sources()).

  • scale: The associated Macrostrat map scale for the legend.

  • map_unit_name:The name of the outcrop shape element as defined in the geologic map source.

  • strat_name: The geologic name(s) of the outcrop shape element.

  • age: The chronostratigraphic bin assigned to the outcrop shape element, as defined in the geologic map source in plain text.

  • lith: The lithology of the outcrop shape element as defined in the geologic map source in plain text.

  • descrip: Description of the outcrop shape element in plain text.

  • comments: Notes assigned to the outcrop shape element.

  • t_age: The estimated top age of the outcrop shape element, in millions of years before present.

  • b_age: The estimated bottom age of the outcrop shape element, in millions of years before present.

  • b_interval: The unique identification number of the bottom time interval matched to the outcrop shape element.

  • t_interval: The unique identification number of the top time interval matched to the outcrop shape element.

  • strat_name_id: A vector containing the unique identification number(s) for known stratigraphic unit name(s) matched to the outcrop shape element (see def_strat_names()).

  • unit_id: A vector containing the unique identification number(s) for known Macrostrat unit(s) matched to the outcrop shape element.

  • lith_classes: A vector containing the named lithology class(es) (e.g., "sedimentary") matched to the outcrop shape element.

  • lith_types: A vector containing the named lithology type(s) (e.g., "siliciclastic") matched to the outcrop shape element.

  • lith_id: A vector containing the unique identification number(s) for known lithology(ies) represented within the outcrop shape element (see def_lithologies()).

  • color: Recommended color for plotting the outcrop shape element based on the dominant lithology.

  • area: The area of the outcrop shape element in km2.

  • tiny_area: The area of the outcrop shape element in km2 at "tiny" Macrostrat map scale.

  • small_area: The area of the outcrop shape element in km2 at "small" Macrostrat map scale.

  • medium_area: The area of the outcrop shape element in km2 at "medium" Macrostrat map scale.

  • large_area: The area of the outcrop shape element in km2 at "large" Macrostrat map scale.


Potential Macrostrat map scales are "tiny" (global), "small" (continental), "medium" (regional), or "large" (local).


Christopher D. Dean


William Gearty

See also


# \donttest{
 # Get legend components by ID of the original source map
 ex1 <- get_map_legends(source_id = 1)
 # Get legend components for any sedimentary lithologies
 ex2 <- get_map_legends(lithology_type = "sedimentary")
 # Get any legend components that have comments with the word 'breccia'
 ex3 <- get_map_legends(comments = "breccia")
# }