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A function to retrieve data from the Extending Ocean Drilling Pursuits (eODP) project, a collation of sedimentary description data from ocean drilling cores. This currently includes cores from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP), Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). Note: eODP data is currently being integrated into Macrostrat's data entities (e.g. columns and units) and should be available via get_columns() and get_units() in the future.


get_eodp(column_id = NULL, site = NULL, leg = NULL, program = NULL, sf = FALSE)



integer. Filter cores by their unique identification number(s).


character. Filter cores to those from a particular drilling site (e.g., "U1351").


character. Filter cores to those from a particular drilling leg or expedition (e.g., "317").


character. Filter cores to those from a particular drilling program ("DSDP", "IODP", or "ODP").


logical. Should the results be returned as an sf object? Defaults to FALSE.


A data.frame containing, for each retrieved core:

  • col_group: The name of the drilling program and leg/expedition.

  • site_hole: The name of the drilling site and hole.

  • date_started: The date on which drilling commenced.

  • ref_id: The unique identifier of the reference.

  • col_id: The unique identifier of the Macrostrat column.

  • lat: Decimal degree latitude of the core.

  • lng: Decimal degree longitude of the core.

  • top_depth: A vector describing the height of the top of each unit.

  • bottom_depth: A vector describing the height of the bottom of each unit.

  • primary_lith: A vector giving the name of the primary lithology of each unit.

  • lith_id: A vector giving the unique identifier of the primary lithology of each unit.

  • minor_lith: A vector giving the name of the primary lithology of each unit.

If sf is TRUE, an sf object is returned instead, with a "geometry" column that contains the spatial data instead of the lat/lng columns.


More information can be found about the inputs for this function by using def_drilling_sites().


Bethany Allen


William Gearty


Sessa JA, Fraass AJ, LeVay LJ, Jamson KM, and Peters SE. (2023). The Extending Ocean Drilling Pursuits (eODP) Project: Synthesizing Scientific Ocean Drilling Data. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24 (3) e2022GC010655. doi:10.1029/2022GC010655 .


# \donttest{
# Get data for specific cores
cores <- get_eodp(column_id = c(5081, 5082))
# Get data for all cores at a specific site
cores <- get_eodp(site = "U1351")
# Get data for all cores for a specific leg
cores <- get_eodp(leg = "317")
# Get data for all cores for a specific program
cores <- get_eodp(program = "IODP")
# }