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Obtain metadata for variables associated with the Extending Ocean Drilling Pursuits (eODP) project. By default, data for all drilling sites are returned.


def_drilling_sites(program = NULL, exp = NULL, site = NULL, sf = FALSE)



character. The name of a drilling program (i.e., "DSDP", "ODP", or "IODP") to return a definition for.


character. The unique identification number(s) of drilling expedition(s) to return a definition for (formerly known as 'leg(s)').


character. The unique identification number(s) of drilling site(s) to return a definition for.


logical. Should the results be returned as an sf object? Defaults to FALSE.


A data.frame object containing, for each retrieved core:

  • epoch: The name of the drilling program.

  • leg: The name of the expedition (formerly known as a 'leg').

  • site: The name of the drilling site.

  • hole: The name of the drilling hole.

  • lat: The decimal degree latitude of the drilling hole.

  • lng: The decimal degree longitude of the drilling hole.

  • col_id: The unique identification number of the eODP column.

  • col_group_id: The unique identification number of the group to which the eODP column belongs.

  • penetration: The depth of the hole drilled, in meters.

  • cored: The amount of rock cored from the drill hole, in meters.

  • recovered: The amount of rock recovered from the core, in meters.

  • recovery: The proportion of rock recovered from the core.

  • drilled_interval: The interval drilled.

  • drilled_intervals: The number of drilled intervals.

  • cores: The total number of cores drilled at the hole.

  • date_started: The date on which drilling commenced.

  • date_finished: The date on which drilling concluded.

  • comments: Written notes assigned to the core.

  • ref_id: The unique identification number of the reference.

If sf is TRUE, an sf object is returned instead, with a "geometry" column that contains the spatial data instead of the lat/lng columns.


Bethany Allen


Christopher D. Dean


Sessa JA, Fraass AJ, LeVay LJ, Jamson KM, and Peters SE. (2023). The Extending Ocean Drilling Pursuits (eODP) Project: Synthesizing Scientific Ocean Drilling Data. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24 (3) e2022GC010655. doi:10.1029/2022GC010655 .

See also


# \donttest{
# Return all core information for a specific site
core_info <- def_drilling_sites(site = "U1547")
# }