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A function to retrieve the definitions for stratigraphic name concepts. By default, all stratigraphic name concept definitions are returned.


def_strat_name_concepts(strat_concept_name = NULL, strat_concept_id = NULL)



character. The name(s) of the desired stratigraphic name concept(s) to return a definition for (e.g., "Hell Creek").


integer. The unique identification number(s) of the desired stratigraphic name concept(s) to return a definition for.


A data.frame containing the following columns:

  • concept_id: The unique identification number for the stratigraphic name concept, which groups variant strat_names for same geologic entity.

  • name: The name of the stratigraphic name concept.

  • geologic_age: The geologic age information assigned to the stratigraphic name concept, as defined in the original reference in plain text.

  • int_id: The unique identification number of the chronostratigraphic interval associated with the stratigraphic name concept (see def_intervals()).

  • b_int_id: The unique identification number of the bottom (oldest) chronostratigraphic interval associated with the stratigraphic name concept (see def_intervals()).

  • t_int_id: The unique identification number of the top (youngest) chronostratigraphic interval associated with the stratigraphic name concept (see def_intervals()).

  • usage_notes: Notes on the current validity of the stratigraphic name concept, in plain text.

  • other: Other associated notes on the stratigraphic name concept, in plain text.

  • province: The provinces where the stratigraphic name concept appears, in plain text.

  • refs: The unique identification number of the reference from which the stratigraphic name concept was sourced (see def_references()).

  • url: The URL associated with the stratigraphic name concept, where additional information, the source or contributing publication can be found.

  • author: The authors of the source reference.


Stratigraphic name concepts consist of grouped strat_names which represent the same geologic entity. This may be due to stratigraphic names appearing in multiple reference maps or at multiple lithostratigraphic ranks.


Christopher D. Dean


William Gearty

See also

Stratigraphic names: def_strat_names()


# \donttest{
# Return a stratigraphic name concept based on a string
ex1 <- def_strat_name_concepts(strat_concept_name = "Dakota")
# Return a stratigraphic name concept based on an ID
ex1 <- def_strat_name_concepts(strat_concept_id = 8212)
# }