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A function to retrieve the definitions for one or more published scientific references in the Macrostrat database. By default, all reference definitions are returned.


def_references(ref_id = NULL)



integer. The unique identification number(s) of the desired reference(s) to return a definition for. If NULL (default), all references are returned.


A data.frame containing the following columns:

  • ref_id: The unique identification number(s) for the reference(s).

  • pub_year: The year of publication of the reference.

  • author: The author(s) of the reference.

  • ref: The name of the reference.

  • doi: The digital object identifier of the reference.

  • url: A URL where additional information, the source, or contributing publication can be found.

  • t_units: The total number of Macrostrat units associated with the reference.


William Gearty


Bethany Allen

See also

Macrostrat database metadata: def_projects(), def_sources(), get_stats()


# \donttest{
# Return all references
ex1 <- def_references()
# Return a subset of references
ex2 <- def_references(ref_id = c(1, 2, 3))
# }