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A function to retrieve Macrostrat time interval definitions matching a user-specific search criteria. If no arguments are specified (the default), all time interval definitions are returned.


  timescale = NULL,
  interval_name = NULL,
  interval_id = NULL,
  age = NULL,
  age_top = NULL,
  age_bottom = NULL,
  rule = NULL,
  true_colors = NULL



character. The name of the desired timescale to return a definition for (e.g., "international epochs").


character. The name of the desired interval to return a definition for.


integer. The identification number(s) of the desired time interval to return a definition for.


numeric. Age in millions of years before present to return an interval definition for. All intervals overlapping with this age will be returned.


numeric. The minimum age for which interval definitions should be returned, in millions of years before present. If specified, age_bottom must also be specified, and this must be younger than age_bottom.


numeric. The maximum age for which interval definitions should be returned, in millions of years before present. If specified, age_top must also be specified, and this must be older than age_top.


character. How should interval definitions be returned for the given age_top and age_bottom? Use "contains" to return all intervals that fall entirely within age_top and age_bottom. Use "exact" to return any intervals with both boundaries equal to age_top and age_bottom. Use "loose" (the default) to return all intervals touching the range of age_top and age_bottom. If age_top and age_bottom are not provided, this argument is ignored.


logical. Should the original international time scale colors be returned? Defaults to TRUE.


A data.frame containing the following columns:

  • int_id: The unique identification number of the time interval.

  • name: The name of the time interval.

  • abbrev: The standard abbreviation for the time interval name, if one exists.

  • t_age: The top age (minimum age) in millions of years before present.

  • b_age: The bottom age (maximum age) in millions of years before present.

  • int_type: The temporal rank of the interval (e.g., "age", "epoch", "chron").

  • timescales: A data.frame containing the timescale(s) that the interval is included in (see def_timescales() for more details), with the following columns:

    • timescale_id: The unique identification number of the timescale.

    • name: The name of the timescale.

  • color: The recommended coloring for units based on dominant lithology.


Lewis A. Jones


William Gearty

See also

Timescales and time intervals: def_timescales()


# \donttest{
# Return all intervals
ex1 <- def_intervals()
# Return all specific timescale intervals
ex2 <- def_intervals(timescale = "international ages")
# Return for specific age
ex3 <- def_intervals(timescale = "international ages", age = 70)
# }