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A function to retrieve the definitions for Macrostrat columns. By default, all definitions are returned.


  column_id = NULL,
  column_group_id = NULL,
  column_name = NULL,
  project_id = NULL,
  status = NULL



integer. The unique identification number(s) of the desired column(s) to return a definition for.


integer. The unique identification number(s) of the desired column group(s) to return a definition for.


character. The name of the desired column to return a definition for.


integer. The unique identification number(s) of the desired Macrostrat project(s) to return a definition for.


character. The status of the column to return a definition for. Either "active", "in process", or "obsolete".


A data.frame containing the following columns:

  • col_id: The unique identification number for the column.

  • col_group_id: The unique identification number of the group to which the column belongs.

  • col_name: The name of the column.

  • lat: Latitude of the centroid of the column.

  • lng: Longitude of the centroid of the column.

  • col_area: Area of the Macrostrat column, in km2.

  • max_thick: Maximum unit thickness in meters.

  • ref_id: The unique identification number for the reference associated with the column.

  • status: Indicates the current status of the column (values are 'active', 'in process', and 'obsolete').

  • t_units: Total number of Macrostrat units contained within the column.

  • project_id: The unique identification number for the column's project. Corresponds to general geographic region.

  • notes: Column specific notes.


William Gearty


Christopher D. Dean

See also

Macrostrat data entities: get_age_model(), get_columns(), get_sections(), get_units()


# \donttest{
# Return all column definitions
ex1 <- def_columns()
# Return subsets of column definitions
ex2 <- def_columns(column_group_id = 17)
ex3 <- def_columns(column_id = c(22,24))
ex4 <- def_columns(column_name = "Eastern Kentucky")
# }