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A function to retrieve mineral definitions from the Macrostrat database based on user-specified arguments. If no arguments are provided, all definitions are returned.


def_minerals(mineral = NULL, mineral_type = NULL, element = NULL)



character. The name of a mineral (e.g., "calcite") to return a definition for.


character. The type of mineral (e.g., "feldspar") to return a definition for.


character. The chemical element abbreviation of a mineral (e.g., "CaCO3") to return a definition for. Note: abbreviations are case sensitive.


A data.frame containing the following columns:

  • mineral_id: The unique identification number of the mineral.

  • mineral: The name of the mineral.

  • mineral_type: The name of the type of mineral.

  • formula: The chemical formula of the mineral.

  • formula_tags: The chemical formula of the mineral with appropriate sub/superscript html tags.

  • url: A URL for the mineral's entry in Mindat.

  • hardness_min: The minimum hardness value (Mohs Hardness Scale) of the mineral.

  • hardness_max: The maximum hardness value (Mohs Hardness Scale) of the mineral.

  • crystal_form: The crystal form of the mineral.

  • mineral_color: A description of the color of the mineral.

  • lustre: A description of the lustre of the mineral.


Lewis A. Jones


Bethany Allen

See also


# \donttest{
  # Get all mineral definitions
  ex1 <- def_minerals()
  # Get mineral definitions by type
  ex2 <- def_minerals(mineral_type = "element")
# }